Tallarook - Who Knew!

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Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by CUJO »

Another great day and perfect weather riding in Victoria. A short trip for me back to Vic this time, but I was still able to jump on another great Cheese and Wine Ride.

Riles put on a ripper LVL 3 ride at Tallarook. Around 14 riders - many of the usual suspect with Dann doing a great job on sweep all day and Eric being the backup GPS 😊. There was grip everywhere….. and then there wasn’t. I got caught out quite a few times slipping off Rocks and logs by miss timing the throttle. My Starter packed it in early in the ride, so it was kick start all day which is fine until you find yourself halfway up a rock infested hill. All in all I had a great day riding and even ended up doing the super hard Enduro Gang man section trying to find a pathway out of the waterfall valley. Geez my bike fitness has dropped off!

We covered around 40 plus km and finished the ride around 2.00pm. A few went out for another “Half hour “ squirt while the rest of us setup for a welcome share of cheese, meats, wine, beers and Easter Buns/eggs.

Play of the day goes to Tom on the KX450 when he had to make a quick decision to jump a large log that was rolling towards him as it was dislodged by the rider in front .....on an uphill section! It was truly a well-timed piece of enduro.

Till Next time
Last edited by CUJO on Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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.... A Chapter of the Secret Dirtbike Underworld

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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by CUJO »

A few pics
Member of the outlaw Cheese and Wine Cub.
.... A Chapter of the Secret Dirtbike Underworld

2012 Husky TE300 - full reg - QLD
2012 KTM XCW300- rec reg - Melbourne
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Rat Finke
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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by Rat Finke »

Enjoyable day out with a big group which moved along all day without any major incidents.

There were some ‘explore’ sections which create novelty for Riles, as leader, and the rest of the group

Its been a whilst since I’ve ridden Tallarook so it was like re-discovering a new riding area on Sunday. The ground was damp, but not soaked, which made riding a delight

Thanks to Riles for the lead and Dann for manfully sweeping whilst still recovering from ‘night before’ beers. Also thanks to the kind folk who provided Easter treats, beer, cured meats, cheese and a partially drunk merlot to share at the end of the ride

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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by Toysrus »

What a top day out! I had daylight savings nailed and knew I had an extra hours rest, phone alarm set, my shit was in order!! Until I heard the clock that chimes on the hour in the family room ring 6:00am and jumped out of bed an hour early "bugger".

Anyway a lazy 2 hours in the car got me to Tallarook and the large majority of participants were already there. Great to see a lot of familiar faces after not riding for basically 6 months, and I went about proving this when I got on the bike and rode like a total gumby for 45 minutes. There were brief snippets where it looked like I could actually ride but I tried to make sure everyone had at least one hold up due to me falling off somewhere totally simple throughout the day.

Graeme with assists from Eric took us on an excellent selection of tracks that were challenging enough to get your attention without having to do anything impossible! I saw parts of Tallarook I knew but the majority seemed quite new to me. Great lunch stop location at the waterfall which was looking a bit more like a trickle at this time of year. Everyone rode very well and with Bushy, Cujo and Mr KX450 running all day without the magic button they deserve some extra credit. Like many others I offered to take over sweep duties from Dan but he refused all offers, thanks Dan!

Excellent weather
Excellent People
Excellent tracks
Excellent after ride Cheese and wine

Thanks to all who participated!
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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by riles »

Big group, lots of colour and movement, good weather and conditions.
We had ….Funnel web spiders (true) bent handlebars, boiled bikes, picturesque lunch spot, Easter eggs, hot cross buns and smiles all round. (Thanks all for the generous buffet contributions)

Very pleased we had no dramas and everyone got around just fine….and we didn’t loose anyone. Special mention to Shane for riding well and doing the whole ride, Young Tom on the KX450 (as Cujo mentioned) for getting around just fine. Bushy, kudos for being on the YZ but the consensus is your muffler badly needs a repack! Thanks Dann for the all day sweep job - even though BruceKTM dressed for the job and I nearly forgot my wingman/navigator Eric, thank you

There is a whole side of the forest we didn’t get to so that’s for next time.
Last edited by riles on Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by riles »

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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by Bonez »

My day started off good until my brakes locked up at the rear had me doing a minor adjustment that got me going again, then into the first rocky up hill noticed while halfway up my gear selector/ changer was pointing south so found a good spot to stop and was hoping that I haven't lost the bolt that holds it on, so got that all sorted and the rest of the day was good with no more mechanical issues.
The tracks that riles took us on were awesome and the lunch stop at the water fall was my first time being there and it was spectacular. And also my first time to cheese, crackers and wine club feast.
The weather was perfect blues skys and no dust which had us moving very quickly so thanks riles, Eric for tracks selection and dann for sweeping all day and a great bunch of blokes to ride with so until next time cheers 👍👍🍺
Last edited by Bonez on Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by kmatts55 »

Yes indeed the Tallarook ride rocked :)
I Loved the days agenda and selection of tracks
Also loved the mix of bikes and riders
Everyone has already covered the niceties of the ride, so I guess, what I'd like to say for people reading this ride report and were wondering or contemplating on this ride or others and just weren't sure, Let me reassure we are a friendly bunch and can accommodate for all riders abilities on occasions ( not all rides), but we would also like this forum to grow and succeed, so just want to say don't be afraid to participate and ask to join a ride
Exotic Negotiator, C&W and SDU
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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by Bonez »

Never going to follow toysrus again 🤦‍♂️next time I'm going far right 🤣
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Re: Tallarook - Who Knew!

Post by hoff300 »

Big thanks to Riles for organizing a perfect day out at Tallarook. Then thanks goes out to Dann for the full sweep duties, I did offer to take over like many others, but Dann was happy back there!😁 Then thanks to young Eric for giving Riles a hand with directions. For me this was perfect to catch up with everyone, hopefully more time to ride now. Great tracks and fun had by all, my gumby moment of the day was pulling up above Bruce and over balancing then falling below him breaking his tail light, it happens!! Then going up a rocky hill hitting neutral, and going backwards faster than I was up, Bruce was behind thought it was going to be strike 2!!!😁 So thanks to everyone for a great day out, and a new light is on it's way to Bruce.
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