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Back to Dissa! 31/08/2024

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 8:13 am
by 2t4me
After probably 3 years I finally ventured back to Dissa yesterday on the bike (has been a few 4wd trips in the mean time!)

9 of us met up at the Dabyminga trail bike park, a couple new to me faces and one shiny new bike (well 3rd ride) for Ross300!

We had a bit of everything that Dissa has to offer, starting with a nice downhill Tight tracks to the creek, which I thought was just a nice 100m stretch to the road, but nope, had them mixed up and it was a lot longer than I remembered and riddled with logs to go over and under - fair to say it was quite the warm up track (sorry Rob!).

We then covered a selection of old favourite uphill and down hill singles to take us to what I’ve always called the ridgeline track…. I decided that we would tackle the 3 sisters next which proved a challenge in more ways then one! First we had to find the entrance to the first one which was the eventually did and I think all would agree that it would have been a long time (I’d guess 12+months) since any bikes had been through there!

Getting to the top of the first Tight tracks was a challenge for most - I even saw a strap out at one stage to pull a couple bikes over one washout!

We then (I then) decided stuff it, let’s continue on! Sadly we all got to the bottom of the 2nd sister but after a few attempts with no one making past about the 1 3rd mark the decision was as made turn around - that proved to be no easy challenge as well! A few struggling up the freshly made Tight tracks to the side and the rest tackling the original deeply rutted line. Unfortunately young Nathan popped his shoulder out and then back in part way up so I got to rev the ring out of his little beta 200 up the rest of the way… didn’t think though the fact I would then need to walk back down - that was fun! I then pretended my 300 was a 200 and revved its ring off to get it up (sorry bike!)

After a bite to eat Nath and Rob headed back to the cars and the remaining 7 or us ventured down to the original dissa creek track to make our way to the hamburgers!

Fatigue was definitely kicking in for me and I made a couple silly mistakes in the creek (yes, I got quite wet!!) it has definitely changed through there and some team efforts were required to find the right paths at time!

We tackled both hamburgers which were typically good fun and then made the call to head for cars as it looked like the rain was on its way and I was phucked!

Th route back was on the sternly chopped up rutted rocky 4wd tracks with a couple small singles and one final (log free) creek section!

Thanks all for coming and a big thanks to Ross for sweeping all day

Re: Back to Dissa! 31/08/2024

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 9:31 am
by Cruiser
Sounds epic.
What a way to reunite yourself with Dissa.🤗

Re: Back to Dissa! 31/08/2024

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:19 pm
by hoff300
Thanks, young Dusty! you led a great ride around Dissa. That track you speak of was definitely hard to find, but glad we did as it produced a lot of banter and fun. Don't think that I've ever seen 2 young blokes ( Ross and Dusty) sweep as much as they did getting those bikes out, hard work. Thanks Ross for sweeping the whole day, you looked like your enjoying the new bike. Great group and good day out.

Re: Back to Dissa! 31/08/2024

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 3:54 pm
by Kerro91
Thanks for the ride it was an awesome day.

Re: Back to Dissa! 31/08/2024

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 4:18 pm
by RihanMeij
Thank you for a epic ride!

Re: Back to Dissa! 31/08/2024

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:22 pm
by Adrian Adrian
Thanks Dusty, was a great ride, and great to be following you around Dissa again.
That first creek run was fantastic, even if it was a bit longer than expected.
The first slimy climb was a bit of a surprise in that you tractored up fairly easily it seemed - apparently taking all the grip with you!
We were all pretty puffed getting up that next one, and needed to help one another out a little. But reckon we should have come down to give you and sweep Ross a hand as you were pretty cooked after that! Woops
The second creek section was great too, and I liked the variety of surfaces (though I did get caught out in a slightly deeper section at one point. Gotta keep up to see the sensible lines!).
Hamburgers always good value, and the final runs back to the cars were quick and flowing. Great fun!
Thanks for curating such a great route, and thanks all for the sweeping, banter and the occasional sound of a screaming 200!

Re: Back to Dissa! 31/08/2024

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:28 am
by Dope
Thanks for taking us round Dissa Dusty, had a ton of fun, but would definitely need to up my low grip skills