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GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:54 pm
by Bushy Matt
I'll kick off the ride report cause I'm already home/unpacked/bike washed.

The ride ended prematurely for me (again) this time due to bike problems. The little Sherco just died while cruising on the main rd and after a lot of checking this and that there was no luck. Like an Oscar speech I have many people to thank for their diagnostic skills, mechanical / electrical knowledge, holding bike parts and passing tools like pros - JD, Olly, Walks, Dave, Ross (IOU 1 spark plug), Toys, Marko, Snowy and the rest of the group for their patience while we tried to work out what was wrong. In conclusion the bike looked like it had fuel and spark but no fire.

The ride itself started in a blanket of fog but all there were keen to get into it. Dann led out the L3 boys just after 9 and our group took off a few mins after. The planned 2+ loop had a bit of everything with the majority being in amongst the trees. After the above problems Dave took over the lead role and with his local knowledge I'm sure the ride would still have some of 'Dissa's great trails.

Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:57 pm
by Bushy Matt

Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:16 pm
by Cruiser
Was a great day for riding with your mates.
Swept the level 3 ride all day. So much to do at the back of the pack. Pick up bikes. Give coaching lessons. Encouragement and pointers. Hold hands. There, there's on the shoulder. Getting out the goggle rag to wipe away tears..... none of which was needed today. All the riders did extremely well.
Dann led a terrific loop with the limited time he had to prepare for this. Browny taking over for the last couple of hours. Only cause we could see he was itching to show us some stuff we never would have known about. Well done browny.
Loved the riding today. Special moments all day long. Yes. Walking the dog tonight was harder than usual. With the hips and knee letting me know I had ridden.
Approx 45k and back before 3pm. Smiling all the way home.
Thanks to the organizers for holding the rain off. Looking forward to doing it all again.
Tha snags and beers went down a treat after the ride. Thank you whoever was involved. And thank you for the chair to plonk my weary body into. Much appreciated.
Till we ride again

Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:58 pm
by Walkahz
Good riding today as always.
Was on bushys lv2 ride and was excited to hear of some new tracks. Unfortunately it was not to be with issues even with all the brains trust could not solve.
Dave took over leading duties and we promptly found ourselves at a dead end the logging machinery operators told is was a path through. A bit of bike manhandling and we were on our way again. A quick hello to the local parks rangers who of course informed us that we were to keep to formed roads which we always do of course!! Down ladder track and back up after there was some tired bodies which thinned the group further from 11 to 6.
The final 6 then took on the best dissa has to offer. Things stepped up a notch heading down a super steep hill and into a gully with steep hills both sides and was solid lv3 territory. We pushed on and managed to find an exit that was achieved with a bit of pulling and pushing (apart from olly who nailed it in 1 shot) we then made our way back to the cars for a snag, beers and banter.

Thanks all for the great day!

Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:20 pm
by Snowman
Great day today and a real pity that bushy had bike issues. Dave did a great job showing us around with a couple of tough sections including an uphill mud bog and tough last section as outlined above.

Was great day but body will feel it tomorrow.

Big thanks to those that supplied the bbq.


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Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:21 pm
by Snowman

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Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:29 pm
by Brownballs
Good to be out and about with a great bunch of blokes. Dann did well leading us around. It was a no stress ride with bits of everything. Few creeks, Bit of a play on 3rd gear hill, visited the 3 Sisters, down Swampy, up Rocky Bastard. We had a crack at the new road gap we put in which was a real arse pucker moment!! Made sure to try and wear everyone out a little bit more by the end. Stupid me pretended I knew how to 3rd gear stand up mono about 500m from the cars and took a huge spill!! Paying the price tonight.. bit grazed and pretty swollen!! Nothing a rum and cola shouldn’t fix!! Until next time..

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Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:31 pm
by Brownballs

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Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:32 pm
by Brownballs

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Re: GF ride L2+ & L3

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:32 pm
by Brownballs

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