Tallarook through the rain

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Tallarook through the rain

Post by fab »

I have finally thawed enough to type. Man was it cold and so wet, the wettest I have finished up a ride.

Tracks were fantastically led by Marko and Riles. Water everywhere but surprisingly grippy.

The usual suspects and some that I hadn't seen for a while supplied the banter and a helping hand where needed.

Thanks to the sweeps for ensuring everyone got back.

The clouds cleared enough for a post ride degustation with many different drinks helping wash it down.
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by Jono1973 »

Thanks marko and riles
And sweeps
Great day on the bikes .
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by riles »

thanks to Marko - what a good adventure/day we had.
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by kbuxx »

Cold and wet but plenty of grip (except for those sticks, logs and roots that were trying to kill us).

This ride had everything. it had a lookout that I have never seen, some amazing tracks, some tracks that brushed you with wet cold leaves (just encase you were dry), It had some hills that defeated some of us, some of the coldest rain that penetrated your skin, it had great company and banter and a banquet at the end with variations of liquids to wash it down.

All up, a great day that makes you want more. Thanks all for the day, and the food and beverages to follow.
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Rat Finke
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by Rat Finke »

The Tallarook ride was one of those rides which make you feel alive and close to elements. A brisk early morning fog at the meet spot complimented by a warm short drink generously supplied by Marko.

After much indecision, I decided to ride with a spray jacket on which proved to be the right decision given intermittent rain and wet tree foliage we were riding through.

Tallarook was surprisingly very grippy despite the damp conditions, although there were plenty of opportunities to become separated from your bike with slimy rocks, roots and a little bit of clay here and there.

Everyone got over, through or around most obstacles either solo or with a little bit of assistance from time to time. The only exception was a ‘challenge’ hill at the end of the ride which resulted in the group splitting into 2 and each group finding their own way back to the cars. I took the chicken route back via roads which were cold, wet and fresh on the face with rain drops stinging the face as I was travelling at speed to get back quick.

At the cars it was a slow change out of wet riding gear in the rain and I expected to jump in the car and drive home. Call it divine intervention, but the rain suddenly stopped, a trailer was used as an impromptu smorgasbord table and several of us gathered for a light feast and end of ride drink. Thanks, Fab for the home brew wine!

I didn’t think so during the ride on Saturday, but a few aches and pains on Sunday was a reminder that it was a physical ride.

Thanks Marko and Riles for the joint lead duties and the rotating sweeps who kept everyone rolling and back safely.

Thanks also to the people who brought food, drinks and catering utensils.
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by Marko »

Yes it was a cold wet ride but fun, leading a ride I done long time ago with Nasty and saved it on my gps so decided to lead that loop. Few u turns and stops to follow gps track but at the end it did work out ok with help of Riles.
Thanks boys for joining the ride, till next time

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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by hoff300 »

Wow that was bloody cold at the end of that ride. So thanks Marko and Riles for a fun day out, you lead a great ride. This ride started cruisy enough, but with my googles fogging early, I seamed to soil sample more than I would have liked!! Banter was flying around, as we fell over got wet and laughed. Must say sorry to Riles as he didn't get a chance to photo me, laying on my back on top of my bike, head facing downhill and the footpeg stuck in my boot. Yes Riles had to run up and rescue me as I lay there whining. I can say, I hate false neutrals up that hill challenge. Riles and I caught up with Matt and headed back to the cars. Chris went back down to sort out the carnage. Had a ball once again, and thanks Tom for sweeping nearly all day, then thank Eric for taking over.
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by Cruiser »

Nice report fellas.
Thanks for taking the time to share.🤗
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by Pittman »

Thanks for ride Marko/Riles,

Definitely was a cold foggy start. Was great to be back on the bike again.

Obviously as said a great mix of trails with a good bit of rain to get back to the cars, fantastic crew to ride with. Keen for the next one. Thanks for having me!
Ghost Rider
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Re: Tallarook through the rain

Post by Ghost Rider »

Great ride , thanks all

A few times Marko sent myself ,Brownballs and Matt off for a bit of racey racey stuff which was a blast

Hill climb at the end was heaps good and the snacks at the end of the day finished the day off perfectly

love Riles pic with us all at that furthest point on the hill 👍
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